Holidays & Destinations

Lawson Lodge Wellness Retreat

April 24, 2017

Lawson Lodge is situated in beautiful Macedon. It is a stunning property that has luxurious country style accommodation and amazing facilities. Nurse, Stephanie Jinks grew up on the property and has a deep love for the land. Stephanie is passionate about all things wellness and her dream of hosting wellness retreats at Lawson Lodge recently became a reality.

I was asked if I would like to attend the first retreat and the timing couldn’t of been better. I was feeling very flat and needed something, a good dose of wellness sounded like the right tonic. I had never been to a retreat before and I was blown away by the experience. As soon as you drive onto the property you instantly relax and leave all your worries behind at the gate. Stephanie was so friendly and inviting. I was made to feel so welcome.

The Retreat included morning yoga and amazing workshops. One day Psychologist Sandra spoke to us about stress management. We also had Sarah from Luxton clinic come and talk about gut health, which I found very useful given that I have an autoimmune disease. There was also lots of free time to relax, massages were included and were located in a gorgeous little hut by the dam called “The Happy Hut.

The food was a big highlight, we were so fortunate to eat so much amazing, healthy and delicious food, all prepared by the talented Shelley from Truffle Pig Catering and Events. She uses locally sourced food and organic where possible. I couldn’t believe how content and energised I felt eating smaller portions of the right foods.

Lawson lodge has its own theatre, where we watched Embrace, all about body image. I found this quite confronting watching as a mother and what world our sons and daughters are growing up in, when it comes to body image.

The retreat was incredible and I highly recommend it. I would love to return and bring my family and friends to experience. Once the retreat was over I managed to take what I had learned back home with me. I have continued to do regular yoga and changed my diet to include some of the amazing foods that Stephanie introduced me too. Especially focusing on gut health. Overall I am feeling better than ever. This is an incredible break through for me, seeing as I have had lots of health challenges with thyroid and addisons disease over the past 18 months.

Life can get so busy that we look for quick fix answers while we race around after our children. I will be forever grateful for the opportunity to attend the retreat and the chance to stop and reflect on my physical and mental health. Stephanie even challenged me to climb up Mt Macedon. Something I could never of imagined doing. The buzz at the top was incredible.

For more info on Lawson Lodge Retreats please email Stephanie_Jinks@hotmail.com

Please note. I was a guest of Lawson Lodge.

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